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Tips for Being Your Military Man’s Battle Buddy, in Prayer (Part 1)

Updated: Sep 15

Are you neglecting your most powerful weapon to help protect all areas of your husband's life?

You can be your military man's battle buddy, in prayer following these areas to pray over your man.

Prayer is a way to invite God’s power into your husband’s life. I learned that prayer was the strongest thing I could do for my marriage. Luke 10:19 tells us, “I have given you authority…over all the power of the enemy.” So, in my prayers, I can take a stand against the enemy in my husband’s life – enemies that he meets in combat but also enemies and negative forces that come in more subtle, but equally damaging, ways. Stormie Omartian, author of The Power of a Praying Wife says, “A wife’s prayers for her husband have a far greater effect on him than anyone else’s prayers.” Do you sometimes wonder how to pray for your military man? Here are certain areas you can lift up to God. I’d encourage you to select one of these each week to pray over your man.

The first five areas to pray over your man are below, while the next five are in this post.

1)    His Health

Petition God to protect his body as he serves in the military. All the physical training and mission rigor can beat down his body. Pray for the protection of his spine and neck and against any serious injury that is long-standing. Urge the Father to give him a desire to care for his body with regular exercise and healthy eating. Beseech God to protect your husband from having a health concern that results in military discharge.

2)    His Work

Pray against work disappointments for him. Petition God to order your husband’s steps in making rank and advancing his career. Request the Lord to grant your man favor with his chain of command. Urge the Father to allow supervisors who are servant leaders and avoid harsh or unreasonable requests. Ask God to help your husband always work with diligence and enjoy his work and maintain a good attitude about the tasks before him.

Request the Lord to provide wisdom to your husband to know whether to extend his military career or to transition to the civilian workforce.

3)    His Finances

Although serving in the military ensures you have a steady income, that doesn’t mean there aren’t times when it isn’t hard to pay the bills. Begin by praying for the Sovereign to help your husband see that everything you have comes from the Lord, you are simply His steward to use the resources He grants to you. Petition God to give you and your husband healthy perspectives about spending, saving, debt, and giving to others. Pray that the Lord will provide for all your needs and that you and your husband will be good stewards of the resources God has given you. Urge the Father to help your husband control spending habits and plan for the future. Ask God to protect your husband from anxiety about finances.

4)    Protection from Combat Trauma

Deploying into combat and other military service can create invisible wounds of war. As your man serves his country and fights for freedom, pray for God to protect him from trauma and grant him a healthy mind. If he has experienced combat trauma, ask the Lord to grant him healing from the spiritual, emotional, and physical wounds that often accompany combat. Request your Father to equip you to understand his trauma and help point him to a community to help him heal. I highly recommend you seek out help through REBOOT Military Trauma Healing programs, a program that involves the spouse and the warrior in a 12-week course.


I’d love to come speak to your group about being a supportive military wife and how to go from just surviving as a military wife, to thriving. Read more about my speaking topics.

5)    Your Marriage

Ask God to grant your marriage the ability to withstand frequent separations. Petition the Lord to bless each of you with the ability to fight FOR your marriage instead of with each other.  Pray that God would enable you both to see the reality that each other is not the enemy, but that there is an Enemy who seeks to divide marriages. Ask the Lord to give you creative ideas about how to stay connected during deployments and other times apart. Request the Father to give you a marriage that does more than just survive but thrives. Call upon the Lord to empower you both to remain faithful to one another.

To continue reading about the top areas to pray over your military man, read this post.

For more information on helping your military marriage, access 10 Tips for helping your military marriage thrive here.

Want to read more from Beth? Check out her book, Another Move, God? 30 Encouragements for Embracing Your Life as a Military Wife. Preorders are available now.


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