Note: I wrote three posts with tips on moving for military couples, see the other posts here: Overseas Military Moves (OCONUS) and Comparing DITY moves to Military-Contracted Movers (Pros and Cons of both).

I know, moving is hard, but add kids to the mix and it can be quite hard to set up your house after you’ve received your HHG. If your spouse is deployed or having to report for duty, you are going to need help to manage the delivery of your household goods (HHG).
There are several benefits to help with the costs of childcare:
Did you know that many Air Force installations will pay up to 20 hours of FREE childcare (per child) that is contracted through the Family Child Care Provider aka Child Development Program Home Program or the Child Development Center (if spaces are available) on the installation? You get 20 hours per child at both the outbound installation and the inbound installation. This program is open to all ranks of active-duty personnel. The family just be on PCS orders and request a certificate of their departure or arrival at the base to qualify. For more information, contact your Family Support Center.
Further, the military began a pilot program to reimburse families for childcare costs when they are unable to access care from a CDC within 30 days following a move. So, if both you and your spouse are working full-time and have trouble finding a CDC spot at your inbound location, be sure to ask your Family Support Center aka Community Center if your installation is participating in the pilot program. Soldiers, sailors, or airmen who move to a new duty station may be eligible for up to $1,500 in financial assistance for childcare, under a new program. See,a%20possible%2040%20free%20hours. for more information.
Soldiers and their families who move to a new duty station may be eligible for up to $1,500 in financial assistance for child care, under a new program.
See other posts about tips for moving: Overseas Military Moves (OCONUS) and Comparing DITY moves to Military-Contracted Movers (Pros and Cons of both).